Lowepro Whistler 350AW II Backpack (Grey)
The Whistler BP 350 AW II carries equal parts camera, video and functional outdoor gear. Features a roomy front pocket that expands to fit alpine essentials like shovel, probe or extra clothes.
A waterproof barrier with drain hole separates wet gear from the main compartment while 420 Nylon Ripstop with TPU/PU dual laminate provides robust abrasion and tear resistance plus waterproofing. ActivZone™ back panel and dual density foam harness provide increased comfort. Nifco® side-release buckles and Duraflex® hooks offer robust attachment options in any condition.
The grey Whistler Backpack 350 AW II from Lowepro is a heavy-duty bag designed to comfortably and securely carry your mobile photo studio. The spacious main compartment features an adjustable partition system that can fit a large DSLR with an attached 70-200mm lens, six additional lenses, and a shoe mount flash or an additional lens. Users of mirrorless camera systems can fit up to eight lenses along with a camera, plus a flash or an additional lens, as well as a backup camera, and for protection of foldable drones and their flight controllers, two insert pads that feature enhanced cushioning are also included.
Access to the main compartment is provided by a rear-facing zippered panel with a 180° downward opening. Along the inside of that zippered panel is a memory card pocket and two zippered, organizer pockets which can be used to hold hard drives, portable batteries, camera filters, or small electronics. Separated from the main compartment by a waterproof barrier, an expandable front pocket with a bottom drain hole allows wet outdoors equipment such as a climbing helmet, shovel, or ice pick to dry even when carried inside the Whistler Backpack 350 AW II. Integrated between the main compartment and the waterproofed front pocket is a dedicated sleeve that can accommodate a 13" laptop. The laptop sleeve can be reached through a zippered top opening with capacity for books, notepads, snow goggles, or packable clothing. Along the inside, the top opening is an accessory pocket for items that need to be secured, yet accessed quickly and conveniently, such as a pair of sunglasses, snacks, or headphones.
The Whistler Backpack 350 AW II can be carried using its built-in top handle, or by its adjustable, padded shoulder straps. For heavy loads, this backpack's waist belt transfers weight to the hips for additional comfort, while the sternum strap further limits unintentional shifting around the wearer. Along each side and on the front of the Whistler Backpack 350 AW II are two side-compression straps that can each hold and secure a tripod, monopod, or trekking pole. Connected to the surface of the bag with hooks that support up to 100kg, the compression straps are suitable for skis, a snowboard, or other outdoor mountain equipment which can be harnessed and carried.
Featuring a durable nylon construction, the Whistler Backpack 350 AW II is built to be weather resistant and includes a seam-sealed cover for use under heavy rain.
- Camera compartment holds a DSLR and attached 70-200mm lens, six additional lenses, and a shoe mount flash or another lens
- Camera compartment holds up to two mirrorless cameras, eight lenses, and a flash or additional lens
- Padded, touch-fastening, removable dividers allow the camera compartment's space to be configured for the specific equipment being carried within it
- Insert pads that feature enhanced cushioning for folding drone and flight controller
- Access to the main compartment is provided by a front-facing zippered panel with a 180° downward opening
- On the inside of the main compartment's zippered panel is a memory card pocket and two zippered, organizer pockets which can be used to hold hard drives, portable batteries, camera filters, or small electronics
- Expandable front pocket with waterproof lining and drain hole allows wet outdoors equipment such as a climbing helmet, shovel, or ice pick to dry when carried
- Integrated between the main compartment and the waterproofed front pocket is a dedicated sleeve that can accommodate a 13" laptop
- Laptop sleeve can be reached through a zippered top opening with capacity for books, notepads, snow goggles, or packable clothing
- Top opening accessory pocket for items that need to be secured, yet accessed quickly and conveniently, such as a pair of sunglasses, snacks, or headphones
- Can be carried using a built-in top handle, or by adjustable, padded shoulder straps
- Adjustable sternum strap and padded waist belt with accessory pocket can evenly distribute the weight being carried
- The padded back panel provides lumbar support
- Compression straps on the front and along each side can hold and secure a tripod, monopod, or trekking pole
- Secured by hooks that support up to 100kg, the compression straps are suitable for skis, a snowboard, or other outdoor mountain equipment
- Durable, weather-resistant nylon construction
- Seam-sealed cover for use under heavy rain
Camera Bags
2 x Drone Insert Pad
What's in the box
- Lowepro Whistler Backpack 350 AW II (Grey)
- 9 x Divider
- 2 x Drone Insert Pad
- Rain Cover
- Limited-Lifetime Warranty
*Gear not included, for display purposes only
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