One of the improvements was where to hide all my backdrops. Some of them are quite large and when your working with objects as your main photography focus it can be overwhelming to find space for everything!
One of the ideas I came up with was to hide all my wooden backdrops behind my drop down paper(black and white)roll backdrops that are suspended on a pulley system. Their hidden very well there and still very easy to get to when needed.
As you can see when the paper backdrops are down all is hidden. You would be surprised what you can hide behind there, LOL! Those pulley systems for the paper backdrops are terrific and very efficient also. I have one for three paper rolls. I have two for the moment but can’t decide what my 3rd color will be yet.
Another change I made very recently was to improve more space for props. I have been shooting on a large folding table for the 5 years and realized that there was a lot of valuable space not being utilized under the table so last weekend I purchased two large bureaus at IKEA.
Each bureau has 6 drawers and then were put back to back. We also decided to add wheels on each bureau so they would be moveable in the room. OMG, that gave me 12 drawers of extra space!!
My loving son (Christopher) bless his soul had the daunting task and the patience to assemble them last weekend for me! My brother Peter also lend a helping hand in the assembling and all went well. I now have so much more space.
One thing I could not do before was to put heavy objects on top of the table but now it’s not a problem. That is not a child’s chair that you see but a full size adult Adirondack sun chair so my table surface is quite large now.
One thing I’ve learned is when your studio space is not large it better be efficient. You also get much more positive productivity when you know where everything is! Hope this helps anyone trying to organizing your studio!
Your ideas can flow much more clearly when there is less clutter in the studio as well as on the brain, LOL!
The post Optimizing your Studio Space! appeared first on ODP Magazine.
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