James Seeliger’s interest in fine art started at an early age when he had visual arts as a subject. After school, he completed a degree in BSc Landscape Architecture and has since worked in the architectural profession while pursuing fine art part-time. His art is influenced by design principles he has established within himself and, for now, he looks forward to continuing with both professions.
How do you describe your style of art?
I create mixed media art that hopefully challenges conventional art forms. I wouldn’t say that the style of my work is revolutionary or that it reinvents the wheel. To me, it is an opportunity to create artwork with unique qualities.
What is your favourite genre to illustrate?
Short answer: humans and strong character. I constantly alternate between subjects I am passionate about and subjects I both admire and find beautiful.
How do you go from conceptualising to action to result?
My ideas are the first thoughts that I would like to share with others. Once I feel confident in one, I immediately grab my journal to draw intuitive ideas/mockups from the initial thought. I then review the idea based on how successful it would communicate that idea/story. Most of the time, I go for it and jump straight to creation!
What motivates you to continue being creative?
I want to keep producing and connect with people through relatable feelings of admiration and relatable thoughts over subjects.
What programs/media do you use?
I draw from reference with graphite pencil and use that drawing to illustrate further in Affinity Designer. I then send it off for fine printing.
Are there any artists you adore and draw inspiration from?
At school, I remember being obsessed with Lionel Smit’s work. Later, I enjoyed most of Solly Smook’s work.
Is there a specific message you want to convey with your illustrations, and how do you get that message across?
What I aim for when somebody walks up to my work is to relate to the subject matter. I hope that this will make them ponder and perhaps that they would find beauty in my work. My art’s message is not complicated, but sincere.
How did you go from being an aspiring artist to doing it as a full-time career?
Art and illustration, to me, is not yet a full-time pursuit but it does not stop me from excelling in this career. I think many artists at school and/or university never pursue fine arts as a career because of the financial risk they might undergo.
Do you have any advice for upcoming artists?
My advice would be to set yourself honest short-and long-term goals. Secondly, keep your dreams in mind every day. Finish what you start and stay hungry. I unknowingly got to the point I am at today and regret nothing.
What paper(s) do you prefer to print on and why?
I have only printed on textured silk, though I have a great interest in trying new paper materials.
What framing do you feel finished your work and why?
Tammy from Art of Print is a mastermind when it comes to framing. Her suggestions are ones I have agreed with so far. The thin black aluminium frame with the glass box offset is a winner!
See more of James’ work on Instagram or email him at james.alex.seeliger@gmail.com
Contact Tammy for a custom framing solution that complements your art.
As an artist working with line art, I also draw lots of inspiration from Lionel Smit. I’ve also visited his studio(https://www.lionelsmitstudio.com/) a few times, his such a cool guy!